Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 110 "Standing Up for what You Believe In"

Daily Summary: Alright, well today was another good day. I had a great sleep last night and was just ready for the day. Lately I haven't been wanting time to really go by all that quick since I have so much homework to do and everything. I am trying my best to complete it all but baseball is kind of taking up all of my time. Not including today's game there are only 4 regular season games left. I can't believe how quick season has gone by so far. It isn't over for still a couple of weeks because like I said before, we need to win these next 4 games otherwise we are in trouble. I think we can pull it off especially since the way we have been playing. Well I got through my classes and got ready to head to La Verne in a non conference match up with a NCAA division 3 school. Although I was super tired throughout the day, I was feeling pretty good about today's game. We beat this team last time we played them but barely beat them 4 to 2. They aren't a very good team but for some reason we were just real flat the last time we played them. Well we weren't so flat this time. We beat them 16 to 10 including two grand slams hit one by Billy Vopinek and the other one by Steve Alexander. It was a fun game that that I really enjoyed but boy was it hot! The other cool thing was that my buddy from high school was on that team and we got to see each other. He didn't get to play and we didn't really get to talk all that much but it was still good to see him. I played right field again and had a good game. I went 3 for 3 with a double and 2 RBI's. I have been feeling real comfortable at the plate lately and I try my best to have no fear up there so I think that has really been helping me out. Along with talking with God throughout my entire at bats. Baseball is really fun at the moment. It is all I have had to really write about lately because that is all I have been doing the last few weeks. One thing that I have been reading on the news lately that both pumps me up but also disappoints me is Miss California. The way she stood up for what she believed in was amazing! In front of millions of people she clearly showed that marriage should be between a man and a women. The amazing thing was she said this answer to a gay judge that obviously asked her because California voted yes on prop 8! She probably new that she wasn't going to win for her answer but she went ahead and answered it trufuly anyway. I am so happy for her and I hope that what she said hasn't disappointed her at all and that she wont regret standing up for what she believes in. What disappoints me the most is all the comments she has gotten back about her remarks. People are pretty much ripping her up for what she said and while reading the comments by people on line and everything it saddened me at how many people were against what she said compared to the people that were supporting her. I'll have take the time to really pray for those people because they really have it all wrong. Well for the rest of the night, I just spent time in the dark room and finish up some photos for my project that is due on Tuesday even though I am not even going to be here for the due date. With this Fresno trip I am missing about 5 papers that are due both Thursday and next Tuesday. Baseball is kicking my but ha. Well I am going to get a good night sleep tonight because tomorrow is a long day! Good night!
Daily Reading: Mark 13:13
Jesus speaking here! He is speaking to a few of his disciples about the future and is letting them know that people will hate them just for following Him. To believe in Jesus, and stand "firm to the end" will take perseverance because our faith will be challenged and opposed. Severe trials will sift true Christians from fair-weather believers. Enduring to the end does not earn salvation for s, but marks us as already saved. The assurance of our salvation will keep us going through the times of persecution. As I explained about Miss California today Jesus was obviously right. I am not sure if Miss California is a follower of Christ but she obviously believes in the same things we as Christians do with the whole marriage thing. With this example she stood up for what she believed in even though she may have known that she wasn't going to win the competition by what she said, she still said it anyway. This is what we as Christians should always be doing when we are faced with trials and temptations. Sometimes we are asked similar questions in many situations where you may loose respect from millions of people or possibly even just one or two. Whatever the question may be, we need to be able to stand up for Jesus and answer the question according to what His word has to say about it. Would you rather go against what you believe in order to please others that may loose respect for you? Or would you rather stand up for what you believe in and be saved and respected by the man who died for you just so you can live a peaceful life? Jesus' respect is far more important then anyone on this planets respect. He will always reward us in wonderful ways.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for another amazing day and another victory out on the baseball field. Thank you for the fact that I am succeeding and playing the way You have made me to play. I thank You for helping me get rid of all my fear and everything while playing. Thank You for helping me trust in the talent You have given me and please help me continue to talk to You during the game. I pray for the ones and myself who may have trouble in standing up for what they believe in. Help them to always be speaking the words of You Father and for us to not worry about what people think about us and for us to focus on Your respect rather then other non-believers. I pray that while we are standing up for ourselves that we will plant a seed in their minds and may question why is it that we think so positive so that they too may have a chance to be saved. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions Father.
I now pray for my friends and family Father that they may be going through some rough times. I pray that You will lift them up in whatever they may be going through and help them to fix their eyes on You. I pray for the friends and family that don't know You or they think that they know You Lord but the full relationship isn't there. Please help them to understand what know who You are and for them to somehow find You. Please use me in this process an for me to show Your love and grace to everyone around me. I pray for us Christians who may be getting judged by the things we do. Please help the ones that may be criticizing us to realize what the Word says about it all and for them to focus on how their relationship is rather then ours. I pray for my dream girl Lord that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for school for me to get going on that and for me to be able to do all of my homework and to do it on time. I pray for our country and our new president. That You help him in making the right decisions and for us to be able to turn this economy around. I pray all these things in Your name.

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