Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 117 "Last Regular Season Game"

Daily Summary: Well I didn't at all really get a good night sleep last night I woke up exhausted. I jumped in the shower and managed to wake up somewhat. Today was somewhat a big day. With a loss we could end up in 4th place but with a win we would be in 3rd place. We obviously were shooting for a 3rd place finish so we weer pushing a victory. Fresno is the 8th ranked team in the country and we missed being ranked 25th by about 3 votes. This victory would also secure a top 25 finish in the nation witch would be awesome! Ha well the time finally came and we showed up at the field. They put the same pitcher that faced us last time on the mound which was kind of weird but he is a good pitcher so they took their chances. They guessed right and he threw a great game. Not good enough though as we pulled off an upset win and beat Fresno 4 to 3! I was stoked and I new after winning we would have a great ride home with the coach and definitely stop and eat somewhere. Indeed we did and it was a great way to end the regular season. We are heading up to San Diego to play a GSAC tournament on Monday and I can't wait for that!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing!!! Hang in there I know you have a lot of homework and the best part about it is you have a wonderful helpful God that will help you get it done and he won't complain! Ask God to help you make a list! One thing at a time!!
