Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 116 "Live Like It's Your Last"

Daily Summary: Well last few days I haven’t really put in a whole lot of time through my blogs. Now it isn’t because I don’t feel like writing, it is just that I haven’t really had time to find things to write about. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep I always seem to be running around doing something. Weather it may be homework, eating, reading, or baseball I am always on the move. Today wasn’t really all that different. I woke up got ready and then headed out to go meet my mom for lunch. Since she cancelled on me last week she said she wanted to go on Monday. So I left around 10:30 and headed over there. I left early to stop somewhere and by some treats for the long ride to Fresno today. I got there and I couldn't’t find anything to get. For some reason for the price it wasn’t worth it. So I settled for some almonds and starburst jelly beans. Those are my favorite. Ha well I filled the car up with gas and I met up with my mom. We went to Chipotle and it completely filled me up. So the snacks I bought were completely useless but hanging out with my mom definitely wasn’t. It is always fun like I always explain, when we get to hang out with one another one on one. After that I headed back and I went a way where I could see the flowers on the corner where Nick Adenhart died. It made me think of how precious our time is here on earth. It could literally be our last moments here on earth at any time. So that is why we should be motivated to live everyday like it is out last. Weather it may be playing a sport, working, or talking about Jesus! Keep working at whatever your doing your best and just love on God. He will be with You every step of the way and will always be there when you need him. Well after that little touching moment I got back to school and got ready to head back up to Fresno. Another long drive awaited and this time I wasn't able to go with Dave but I went with a couple of the coaches including out head coach. There were only 2 other teammates in his truck and it was kind of awkward the whole time with the coaches there so we were quite for the most part but still managed to have fun. We watched a movie called "Catch Me if You Can" and it was really good. I enjoyed it and the drive wasn't so bad. It didn't really last that long and before we new it we were sitting in the hotel room watching TV. It is kind of funny how we instantly get glued to a TV like we have never seen one before. Being away at college watching TV is something that is never done so it is nice to be able to. For the remainder of the night we didn't really leave the room for the whole night. We even ordered pizza that was delivered right to our room. Ha we just relaxed for the rest of the night. Lets hope I sleep good! Ha good night.

1 comment:

  1. I treasure every moment I spend with you and I really enjoy our God talks!! He is amazing!!
